"Bikers chase and attack Pune man’s car after ‘accidental’ splash from pothole; dashcam video goes viral."
Updated: Jan 16
"Bikers chase and attack Pune man’s car after ‘accidental’ splash from pothole; dashcam video goes viral."
"The bikers allegedly chased the man's car, eventually stopping it and kicking it, causing a dent."
"In another road rage incident, a man in Pune was harassed by three unidentified individuals while returning home from work. The incident occurred on December 11, near the Hadapsar bypass on Accolade Society Road.
Prateek Singh, who shared the details of the encounter on X, posted dashcam footage of the incident. According to Singh, his vehicle was navigating through a narrow alley with potholes when he had to maneuver around a scooter parked off to the side. This caused his car to hit a deep pothole, resulting in a small splash of water that unintentionally landed on the three men riding the scooter. The men then chased Singh’s car, eventually stopping it and kicking it, leaving a dent.
Singh explained in his post, 'The pothole was quite deep, and when the tires went over it, it caused a small splash. It wasn’t intentional. But these individuals chased me, stopped my car a short distance ahead, and began using offensive language. I tried to stay calm and explained the situation, but they weren’t interested in listening.'"
"Singh further noted that the scooter’s license plate had expired in 2012. Despite this, he claimed that the city police refused to issue a challan. Singh also mentioned that a similar incident had occurred to one of his colleagues. 'I reported the matter to the police, registered an FIR, and provided the two-wheeler number (MH12 GP 6147), but I’m doubtful that any action will be taken. The scooter’s insurance expired in 2012, and they refused to issue a challan,' he added."
"The video sparked a backlash against reckless mobs in the city, amassing over 7,04,000 views. Sharing a similar experience, one user wrote, 'This happened to me 11-12 years ago on the flyover before PU. After a day of intimidation, I was forced to pay 5k to a group of goons! I was new and naive! Seems like nothing has changed in Pune! Sad.'"